Canary Predict TM

Selective Predicted Therapy Outcomes


AI Prediction Model

AI Prediction Model: RNA-seq analysis of patient tumors for predicting progression, therapeutic response and outcome

Currently developing tests for multiple cancer indications

The clinical outcome of the patient is predicted based on 3 different scoring systems

  • Immunogenicity Score is a measure of how effectively a cancer therapy, such as immunotherapy, is able to stimulate the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. It is often used to assess the likelihood of a positive response to cancer immunotherapy. Our ImmunoInsightTM score is calculated based on various factors related to the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells, including:
    • Tumor mutational burden (TMB): TMB refers to the number of mutations or changes in the DNA of cancer cells. Higher TMB generally indicates a higher likelihood of generating neoantigens, which are unique proteins on the surface of cancer cells that can trigger an immune response. A higher TMB is associated with a higher immunogenicity score.
    • Expression of immune checkpoint proteins: Immune checkpoint proteins, such as PD-1 and CTLA-4, are proteins that regulate the immune response. Cancer cells can hijack these proteins to evade immune detection. Immunogenicity score may take into consideration the expression levels of immune checkpoint proteins on cancer cells, with higher expression levels indicating a higher likelihood of response to immunotherapy.
    • Inflammatory status of the tumor microenvironment: The tumor microenvironment, which consists of the surrounding cells and tissues, can either promote or inhibit an immune response against cancer cells. An inflamed tumor microenvironment with increased infiltration of immune cells, such as T cells, is associated with higher immunogenicity score and better response to immunotherapy.
    • Presence of pre-existing immune response: Some patients with cancer may already have an existing immune response against the tumor. Immunogenicity score may take into consideration the presence of pre-existing immune response, such as the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), which are immune cells that have infiltrated the tumor tissue. Higher levels of TILs may indicate a higher immunogenicity score and better response to immunotherapy.
  • Therapeutic Response Prediction Cancer therapeutic response prediction involves using techniques to predict how well a cancer patient is likely to respond to a particular treatment. These predictions can help guide treatment decisions and optimize patient outcomes
  • Overall Survival Prediction Overall survival prediction is a key task in cancer prognosis. Predicting overall survival can provide valuable information to clinicians for treatment planning, patient counseling, and prognosis assessment.

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20 E Thomas Road, Suite 2203, Phoenix, Arizona, 85012, USA


